Just wanted to post a little & update on little miss priss! She is growing & moving all around these days. She has been kicking up a storm the past 2 weeks! Seth is able to feel her move now, you can even see her move when she gets really active! She wiggles the most late at night, guess she is going to be a night owl like her momma!
We are starting to work on her nursery- what fun! You'll have to wait a while before we share! Once we've gotten a good bit done we'll post some pictures! Several projects are in the works!
Her daddy reads to her at night. Mommy reads to her all day at school- you kn

ow that boring school stuff, so daddy does the fun reading at bedtime! Her favorite books are the Olivia series. What a cute little
mischievous pig she is! Daddy even laughs- I think he enjoys them as much as she does!
She is growing, mommy is growing, & she'll be here before we know it! Just wanted to post a little update! So exciting!
Oh yeah, guess we should fill you in on what you all want to know....her name!
Olivia Paige Reffit
No, we didn't name her after the pig in the book, but now you know why they are her favorite books! Daddy always explains to her that she isn't a pig, that Olivia in the books is the pig! Too funny! No, she isn't named after anyone- we just chose those 2 names on our own & put then together & we can't wait to meet our little Olivia!