4 cans of pumpkin, over a dozen eggs, 3 packs of cream cheese, lots & lots of sugar, & more butter than Paula Deen would even approve of......put it all together & you'll get: caramel pumpkin layer cake, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin bars, & cranberry pumpkin bread. You'll also get a very messy kitchen & swollen pregnant feet from all that baking! All worth it though! Can you tell what my favorite part of Thanksgiving is? Dessert! & yes, I love pumpkin!
**added by Seth
When I arrived home, Ashley had pumpkin cans, spatulas, and dishes stacked in and around the sink. I made the comment this reminded me of the sweet potato production line when Kevin and I made pies for Valentines day at WMCC a year or so ago.
'It's like sharing a kitchen with Kevin, oh look I haven't used this plate, pot, spoon yet'
- Yes i was in charge of cleaning dishes in both occasions :)
Well, truth be told my favorite Thanksgiving meal has always been breakfast at my Dad's. Sorry- turkey is good & I do enjoy all the side dishes, but that is the best breakfast of the year! The 1 good thing about Seth working on Thanksgiving is I still get to eat Thanksgiving breakfast at Dad's before he gets off of work & we head to VA.
We'll make it just in time for dinner- thanks for waiting on us Reffit fam! We'll spend the weekend in VA & we're looking forward to seeing everyone- the entire family will be together & we can't wait! Lots to be thankful for & lots to celebrate!
Seth & I are thankful for our sweet baby girl. We just can't wait to see her & spoil her rotten! Went to the doctor today: doctor said, "She won't be a 6 pound baby, that I am sure of. I am thinking over 8." Wow, you can guess how excited I was to hear that!! =) It will all be worth it & it won't be too much longer! Big kicks as I type- she is saying hello to her fan club!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!