This summer I've been challenged quite a bit. Our pastor is finishing up a series on the teachings of Jesus and they haven't been easy. Passages & stories we've heard & read many times, but the question is do we really follow them? They say some pretty bold things, He says some pretty bold things, but do we really listen & follow? He asked the disciples & His followers to do bold things, unheard of things, illogical things even, but He always provided. Are we willing to do bold things? Simple question, but is the answer really that simple? As we have gone through the passages this summer & really looked at what He preached & required/commanded the answers don't always come easy.
Is it easy to love your neighbor? Or course, we have the best neighbors- love the Lewis family! Strong Christians, friendly, 4 great kids we love to play w/ & who love Olivia, they even love our dogs who bark & howl! That one is easy right?! Yeah, they are our "neighbors," but we all know that isn't all He meant. Our neighbors- hmmmm.....does that mean the people I work with that I really don't like? What about the people who have hurt me & never asked for forgiveness, probably never will? Not quite as easy. What about the Al Qauda memebers who flew those planes on 9/11? Does He really want us to love "them?" Tough questions....He commands some tough things.....

I've also read
Radical by David Platt this summer (highly recommend). From the back cover: "In
Radical, David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences. He shows what Jesus actually said about being His disciple- then invites you to
believe and
obey what you have heard." Great book & a great challenge. Tough questions, but He never said following Him would be easy....
Tonight on the way home I heard a song that caught my attention,
My Own Little World by Matthew West. Love the lyrics,
click to read them. Our culture teaches us to live in "our own little world, population me", it even praises us for this, but is this what He teaches? I love how the song ends...."Start breaking my heart for what breaks Yours, give me open hands and open doors, put Your light in my eyes and let me see that my own little world is
not about me" Found a great video that has the lyrics on it....
listen here. Great song.....great challenge....
Its tough, every day is a challege, we all fall short & mess up, but we are called to follow. We are called to follow
all His commands, even the tough ones. I don't know about you, but it is hard. The more you study, the harder it gets! Isn't it suppose to get easier?! I am encouraged that my God sets the bar high, that He believes in us & gives us the strength, endurace, and patience we need to reach it! & most of all that He gives us what we need to share it with others too. I pray He continues to open my eyes to those around me, that I will see outside 'my own little world,' & that I will have the strength to follow & obey.