Saturday, April 30, 2011


We picked....she just ate!!

& the best part is homemade strawberry ice cream when you're done!

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Me & My Boys

You can never have too many boyfriends!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Little Brother Live!

We have several video clips & wanted to share a few. He is still a little bitty thing & hasn't got much meat on his bones yet, but that will come in time! It was amazing to see his sweet little face & watch him move all around. He sure loves to move his arms! 1/2 way there already- he'll be here before we know it! We are blessed!

Big yawn, he rubs his eyes, then yawns again...tough life!
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His hands/arms are all over the place in this one! He is already in self defense training to protect himself from big sister!

Little Brother

Look at that sweet little face!
& that chubby little hand!

He's hiding from us already!

20 weeks- promise he is in there! He makes his presence known for sure!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Updated Finally!

The phone rang Saturday morning & instead of 'hello' it went something like this.... 'You haven't updated the blog since March 10th & where are new pictures of Olivia?....I need to see new pictures......' Uncle Tyler apparently checks regularly & was getting frustrated that he didn't have any updates! They came to town on Easter & he started in again! Aunt Toni sweetly chimed in that she has been waiting patiently too! Cameron spoke up & said 'my dad loves Olivia more than me!' He was just kidding, but they all know Uncle Tyler will fight you for her any day! Feel the love- she is surrounded & we are blessed!!! So, they fussed enough & I have been working on uploading pics & updating posts! Keep scrolling & click here for pics of March & April. I will do better in May!! (maybe!)

A few things we missed:
March 22nd Ayden's 7th bday
April 1st Megan was born (post below)
April 5th Cameron's 9th bday & Grandma Plume's bday
April 17th Ty's 15th bday
April 18th Ashley's 5th bday
April 20th Mom R's bday
April 27th Vernon's bday (hey, we are 2 days early on this one!!!)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Goldfish were a big hit in her Easter basket! 1st thing she went for & had a BIG smile!

She loved playing with Cheese & Crackers! Ty brought his new ducks for her to play with. They are really named Charlie & Crackers! She loved playing with them & chasing them around the back yard. Too bad they had to go back to Wilmington!
A happy Granny to have all 4 together! Ty (15), Cameron (9), Carter (7), & Olivia (15months). Now they are just waiting on Oliver! No, that isn't his name- just what they like to call him to tease us until we name him!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring is Here!

Olivia loves to play outside. She loves to mow the driveway & the grass. She also loves to ride down the driveway on her pink bus- the faster the better! She & Audrey like to play ball in the backyard- Audrey likes to hide the ball from Olivia! Bubbles are also LOTS of fun with Andrew next door- those 2 end up covered in soap by the time they are done! We're enjoying the springtime & the warm weather!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Megan Ashley Reffit

Our newest niece was born today! John & Lori welcomed Megan Ashley Reffit into the world at 8:01pm! She weighed 7 lb 15 oz. & is 21 inches long. She is precious! Congrats to the new mom & dad!