The phone rang Saturday morning & instead of 'hello' it went something like this.... 'You haven't updated the blog since March 10th & where are new pictures of Olivia?....I need to see new pictures......' Uncle Tyler apparently checks regularly & was getting frustrated that he didn't have any updates! They came to town on Easter & he started in again! Aunt Toni sweetly chimed in that she has been waiting patiently too! Cameron spoke up & said 'my dad loves Olivia more than me!' He was just kidding, but they all know Uncle Tyler will fight you for her any day! Feel the love- she is surrounded & we are blessed!!! So, they fussed enough & I have been working on uploading pics & updating posts! Keep scrolling &
click here for pics of March & April. I will do better in May!! (maybe!)
A few things we missed:
March 22nd Ayden's 7th bday
April 1st Megan was born (post below)
April 5th Cameron's 9th bday & Grandma Plume's bday
April 17th Ty's 15th bday
April 18th Ashley's 5th bday
April 20th Mom R's bday
April 27th Vernon's bday (hey, we are 2 days early on this one!!!)