Who needs Black Friday when you can get all of this for FREE & be done before the mad rush even starts tonight! There is children's Advil, batteries, & even a set of Philip's earbuds in there! 4 toothbrushes & 180 flossers will keep Dr. Sims happy! Seth is really excited about the 2 Dove dark chocolate bars, & Olivia gets Play-doh & fruit snacks. Guess that leaves me w/ a command hook (you know how I love to organize!) some chap stick, paper products, & caramel candy- yum! Thanks CVS!

& less than $1 for these. Couldn't resist- great snack food for the long drive home Saturday! Colin needed something in the CVS deals so he gets the Cheerios! & the box is an 8 pack of nail polish.
Didn't have my coupons on the trip =(, or I would have gotten everything free & even made a few dollars on the deals, oh well- I'll take what I can get!
I don't shop Black Friday. I love a good deal, but I don't love crazy crowds & insane shoppers, so these will have to be my great deals of the week! Sure helps that there is a CVS on every corner in Florida & we're out & about all week!