Monday, January 30, 2012

My God is so Big!

I usually sing kid songs in my head- the joys of small children! They vary depending on her current favorites, or how catchy or annoying the songs may be! For those of you who were at Olivia's birthday I am sure you remember "dance baby"....that is 1 song I would love to get out of my head right now!!

Back to the real story....tonight "My God is SO Big" was in my head. I learned this song freshman year at CU on my BSU outreach team & have always liked it. We've been singing it in Cubbies this year & it is always a fun one- cute song & has motions to go with it too.

Tonight it just popped into my head out of nowhere.....then it hit me, it wasn't out of nowhere, God put it there & I sure needed it tonight.

My God is so BIG, so strong & so mighty there is nothing my God cannot do. (x2)
The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the stars are His handiwork too.
My God is so BIG, so strong & so might there is nothing my God cannot do....for you!

Simple lyrics, but how refreshing to know that no matter the situation...."there is NOTHING my God cannot do!" Keep trusting & keep singing!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

& Now the Other Way!

12/15 Colin rolled over from his tummy to his back. Tonight after Olivia & Daddy had gone to bed he decided he would roll from his back to his tummy! He rolled over, looked at me, smiled, let me take a few pics, & then he laid his head down in this last picture- he was saying, "ok mom, I did I want to go to sleep!" We'll have to show off his new trick tomorrow!
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Olivia loves all the new bathtub art supplies she got for her birthday. She draws ALL over the bathtub & has so much fun. She told us that was "JEEE-SUS!!!!" on the back wall & she was so proud. She's drawn Jesus the past few nights in the tub. She is too funny these days & has a mind of her own! She doesn't miss a thing, so you better watch out what you do or say around her!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Growing Fast!

Little man isn't so little anymore! He had his 4 month check up & he is a healthy boy!!
17 lb 6 oz (90%!!!) & 25 1/2 inches (75%)
Dr. said he will have to catch up on the height over time or his sis will be taller than him! She is always 90+% for height!
He is a sweet little boy. SO cuddly & his favorite thing to do is watch his big sis. He watches every crazy move she makes!
We love you little buddy!
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia!
She had a "tea-riffic" party on Saturday! Thanks to all her friends & family who helped make it extra special! My favorite part was watching all the kids as they played together & made their crafts. She is blessed to have so many special friends to grow up with.
Lots of pictures here!

Colin is 4 months old today too!

They grow up SO fast! We are blessed with 2 precious children!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goodbye Paci!

No more pacis for Olivia!!! She only had it when she slept for over a year, but now it is totally gone!!! Day 1 she didn't even realize she didn't have it. Day 2 she asked for it at bedtime as I was walking out the door, I just pretended not to hear! Day 3 she asked at nap & bedtime & I told her big girls don't have a paci, she seemed fine with that answer. She hasn't asked since & she hasn't tried to steal Colin's! Someone is growing up fast! She loves to tell you she will be 2 on her bday & holds out 2 fingers- her pointer finger on both hands make 2! They grow up so fast! Can't say that I am sad we've given up the paci!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Little teacher is giving him a lesson on his ABCs! She LOVES to sing the ABC song & anything to do with letters. It is cute, but we hear it A LOT!! She pointed to the 'O' in Colin on his wall the other day & said 'O!' They are growing up fast!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Colin had cereal for the 1st time today. It got messy after this pic, but his daddy is not a fan of the cereal messy face so he stopped taking pics & went into the other room! He thought it was time for a bottle & got mad after all that work for a little cereal!