Back to the real story....tonight "My God is SO Big" was in my head. I learned this song freshman year at CU on my BSU outreach team & have always liked it. We've been singing it in Cubbies this year & it is always a fun one- cute song & has motions to go with it too.
Tonight it just popped into my head out of nowhere.....then it hit me, it wasn't out of nowhere, God put it there & I sure needed it tonight.
My God is so BIG, so strong & so mighty there is nothing my God cannot do. (x2)
The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the stars are His handiwork too.
My God is so BIG, so strong & so might there is nothing my God cannot do....for you!
Simple lyrics, but how refreshing to know that no matter the situation...."there is NOTHING my God cannot do!" Keep trusting & keep singing!