Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wonder Where She Gets It?!

Olivia decided to organize her Little People this morning. She was a little concerned with the 3 empty spots & it stressed her out a bit trying to figure out how to fill them….hmmm….wonder where she gets this?! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Week with Grandma

We had a great trip to Florida visting Grandma Plume. Special memories & already looking forward to our next trip! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Who Needs Black Friday?!

Who needs Black Friday when you can get all of this for FREE & be done before the mad rush even starts tonight! There is children's Advil, batteries, & even a set of Philip's earbuds in there! 4 toothbrushes & 180 flossers will keep Dr. Sims happy! Seth is really excited about the 2 Dove dark chocolate bars, & Olivia gets Play-doh & fruit snacks. Guess that leaves me w/ a command hook (you know how I love to organize!) some chap stick, paper products, & caramel candy- yum! Thanks CVS!

& less than $1 for these. Couldn't resist- great snack food for the long drive home Saturday! Colin needed something in the CVS deals so he gets the Cheerios! & the box is an 8 pack of nail polish.
Didn't have my coupons on the trip =(, or I would have gotten everything free & even made a few dollars on the deals, oh well- I'll take what I can get!

I don't shop Black Friday. I love a good deal, but I don't love crazy crowds & insane shoppers, so these will have to be my great deals of the week! Sure helps that there is a CVS on every corner in Florida & we're out & about all week! 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Let me type Daddy...

She started sending emails when I went to London

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We Love the Hamm Fam!

Thanks for a great visit, lots of fun, & lots of love! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Simple Things!

Acorns & a paper towel tube….he LOVED it! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Kasey!

Happy 5th Birthday Kasey! We had a great time celebrating on Saturday!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We love play dough!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Great Way to Start the Day!

She got her Bible out & was "reading" all on her own!
Some of her reading: "Love is patient, love is kind," "Zacchaeus you come down!," "Obey the Lord!"
Precious & made her momma smile! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Olivia loves to help bake. Stiring is fun, but eating the cookie dough is by far her favorite part! Wonder where she got that from?!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Olivia's Turn


Olivia got her tubes put in this morning & she did great. Colin had his put in 7 months ago today- they seem to like doing things on the same day! She was very excited when Doc McStuffins made a surprise visit to the Surgical Center! "Thank you Doc for taking all my ouchies away!" (If you have a preschooler you are singing that song now!!)

Olivia had fun making Dr. Price a Cat in the Hat picture while we waited. He wore a Dr. Seuss hat for Halloween during our pre-op & his nurses were Nurse 1 & Nurse 2- very cute! She's been talking about his Cat in the Hat all week & he was so excited when she gave him his picture this morning. He's a great doc & if you ever need an ENT we recommend Dr. Price at Capitol ENT! 
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bath Time Fun


Colin loved the bath tub finger paints. It looked like a 'blood bath', but he enjoyed every minute! 
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