Seth had a great time at the race & he was greatly missed! This is only the 2nd time we've been apart since we got married in April. I know, spare you the sappy details! But this time it was different.... this time he left & I was the one at home alone! Over the summer I was gone for a week on the youth mission trip & those kids kept me so busy all week so time flew by. I hadn't been alone here in "our" house since it was "my" house pre-wedding. It was quiet, but I have always liked to be alone & enjoy the quiet from time to time. I spent some time with Sarah at her new house Friday after work, such a cute place! On Saturday I had several projects around the house & enjoyed the day- it was one of the first days we've had that has actually felt like fall! Saturday morning I painted my new fall canvas. I hadn't painted a canvas in a few years & it was lots of fun! Now I can't wait to start on one for Christmas! What a cute Mickey Mouse halloween light too- thanks Josupait family =)!
The dogs & I survived, but we did miss him & our Saturday morning pancakes. Yes, he makes pancakes almost every Saturday morning- isn't he great! I know, more sappy bliss! I am glad he had a great weekend, but it was good to see his car in the driveway when I got in from church this afternoon!

Tyler- these cookies are for you! He put in his order for treats for the trip- rice crispy treats & sugar cookies. The rice crispy treats made it to Charlotte, but after parent/teacher conferences last week & Logos on Thursday night the cookies never got made- I owe you!I made these & added some M&Ms this afternoon- treats for the lunch boxes. No, you don't have to be a kid to have a lunch box either! I'll bring you a fresh batch this weekend when we head to Wilmington for our annual trip to Mike's Farm. I'll let Seth blog about that next weekend- that is one of his favorite places in the world!!
love that pumpkin - where ever did you get it :D ? Love the painting and cookies look so yummy!