We started our Christmas journey at Ashley's Dad's house for lunch on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the Snowman decorations Mary!!
Ashley and I shared our 1st Christmas together. We searched for a while to find just the right "Our 1st Christmas" ornament and I finally asked her to make one just for us. It looked just like the bulletin board at our wedding.

Ashley's Grandma earned a day out of the Laurels and everyone was thrilled to have her home for Christmas. I dropped Ashley off at her mom's house and helped get Grandma into the van for a short trip down Aversboro road. We are so grateful for the generosity of th

We also visited Ma-Ma for a bit and then back to the house for our Christmas steak dinner. Haven't ever had that on Christmas...I'm going to like this tradition.
We got up early on Friday and headed north to Willi

We took the kids to the park on Saturday and visited mom at her shop. So many Christmas trees...and not to mention a whole tree full of elves and faires....yikes.
The girls made homemade marshmellows & watched an old chick flick together. The marshmellows were really good!
We'll be going back Sunday afternoon...but so glad to see our family again :)
Check out all our Christmas memories.
wow, you guys have been busy! sounds like a memorable first christmas ! and homemade marshmellows are the bomb!