Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

This is a catch all post with lots of photos & updates- going to be a hodge podge! Enjoy!

Spring has sprung! Seth did a little pruning this weekend.

Grandma came home to spend the night last weekend & we had a big family bash! Odyssey of the Mind- what a great year we had! 35 kids, 5 teams, LOTS of work, but LOTS of fun! Proud of these kids! They did great at competition!
Introducing sweet little Mac! Congrats Laura & Heath- he is precious! 2-26-09

We had a great dinner with Janet & Whitley this weekend. The puppies are 5 weeks old now, aren't they precious?! No, we aren't getting a new dog, but love to play with them when we visit! There are 11 total!

1 comment:

  1. Seth, your yardwork has just begun!! Keep up the good work.
    APR, do all those puppies have names yet? That would be lots to remember!
