Happy 13th Birthday to our nephew Ty!
He's a teenager now.....this one will require a little note...
How am I the aunt of a teenager?? Seems like just yesterday he was born. They checked me out of school early & I headed to Rex- SO excited to be an aunt, bet I drove over the speed limit I was so excited- don't tell my mom!
I will never forget Tyler walking down the hall holding him with the nurse. I ran down the hall to them.....for some reason I thought I should see him 1st?? Sorry to the grandparents!....the nurse said, "don't touch him" but do you think I listened? That was my brand new nephew all wrapped up in his daddy's arms & I kissed his slimy little head! At that moment he had my he

art & I became an aunt! What a precious little baby he was.
At 9 months old they moved my precious little nephew to Wilmington & that was tough for us all. A few weeks later I went to visit for the weekend & when it was time to get in the car to come home I lost it.....I had to tell my big brother good bye & my sweet baby nephew good bye & I cried & cried....got in the car & cried most of the way home. 13 years later here we are! I can't imagine home being anywhere but Wilmington for them & we've made great memories over the years!
Ty & I have a special relationship. He's the little brother I never had & I am the big sister he's never had. Works out well for us, but it drives his dad crazy! We are like brother & sister- love to tease, pick, argue at times & then love all over each other! We have our own special names for each other, but I won't put those on here! He's a great kid, guess he isn't a kid anymore! I am very proud of him & love him dearly.
Happy birthday Ty!