Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our 1st Anniversary!

Today was our 1st anniversary! Seems like just yesterday, but at the same time it feels like we've been together for so long. Can't imagine life any other way! We spend a relaxing day together- it was so nice! We went out to dinner at Bonefish Grill. This was where we met on our 1st date & hadn't been back since, so good! After dinner we enjoyed our anniversary cake with Grandma. It was SO hard to save that cake for a year, but it was worth it! I was worried it wasn't going to taste the same, but it was as good as a fresh Cake Lady cake- that woman has serious talent! She even put a "1" on the cake-too cute! It was chocolate in case you're wondering. Cake Lady chocolate is the all time best, however 1 layer of our wedding cake was strawberry- a VERY close 2nd to her chocolate! Yummy! & a great anniversary! We celebrated in Isla 2 weeks ago & again today! Who says the honeymoon is over?! Just happy to be together & celebrate our 1st year.....any many more to come!

We're camping out with Grandma this week so mom can go back to work. What fun! (camping out w/ Grandma, not mom working!!) When I tucked her in she said she had never had "anniversary cake" before, there is a 1st time for everything! We were excited about sharing our cake with her. You all know I love my Grandma more than just about anyone! We thought sharing it with her was the perfect thing to do- after all she knew all our firsts 1st! I'll explain- it was quite a while before Seth & I kissed when we started dating. Grandma would always ask me if we had yet & I assured her she would be the 1st to know when the time came- she was! After that we made a deal with her- she would be the 1st to know all the news! When we got engaged she was the 1st phone call we made to share the news. She gets all the good news 1st! & tonight she got the 1st anniversary cake!


  1. Congrats on year #1!!!

  2. Congratulations on your big day! Seth needs a prize! Tyler

  3. happy anniversary! Our cake was amazingly delish on our 1 year as well! You two are soooo cute and look so happy ! Congrats!

  4. Oh no, I just read the blog a bit late but am dying laughing. Thyer's comment had a pic of a cat that made me crack up. TOO FUNNY!

    All I got to say is, Seth is a keeper!
