Monday, June 15, 2009

1st Day of Summer!

Today was my 1st official day of summer!! What a great day! I spent the day with an old friend & her 2 precious little ones. Valerie & I met at freshmen orientation at CU (Thanks to Courtney, the blog stalker =) JK!). We hit it off & the girls of Day Dorm shared many memories! Valerie & I soon learned we were only "reunited" at college- see we were born 1 day apart at the very same hospital so we decided that we had to have been in the nursery at the same point at some time, & as much as the 2 of us talk we just decided we became friends back in 1979 at Rex & were only reunited at CU in '97! I spent the day with Valerie, her son Cooper (21 months), & her precious little daughter Paisley (almost 1 month old) all day- what fun! What a great way to start the summer!

Big Brother Cooper kissing on his little sister!
Paisley Ann Jarmon
May 17, 2009
Look at that head full of hair! She is precious!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reffit Weekend

Mom & Dad came down for the weekend- their last stay at 220 Deep Pool! We had a great time. We stayed up late on Friday night when they got in =), had a full pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, a trip to the Farmer's Market & a good afternoon nap! We ate dinner w/ Mom & Grandma & enjoyed church & Sunday lunch. It was a great visit- as always! Next time they come we'll be in the new house! Sorry- we were so busy having fun we didn't get any pictures!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer is Here!

Just had to share my excitement- summer is here! The kid's last day was Wednesday & I will finish up Friday afternoon! Summer is here! I do love my job, it is so hard to let them go each year, but I do love the summer!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Birds part2

So it was about a week or so after our last visitors gained the gift of flight and together with mom, they no longer stayed in their bird nest. I decided since we were selling our house to remove the old bird nest and clean it up. No sooner had I done that, there was a new starter-nest in full construction. I asked Ashley if the bird had lost his mind and wondered if we should remove this one as well. Well we left it and..our new housemate continued to live there.

Today I get home and look up...and we have more than just a mommy bird. I count 5 atleast, 1 already having hatched. Who knew we had such a popular nesting ground :)