Monday, June 15, 2009

1st Day of Summer!

Today was my 1st official day of summer!! What a great day! I spent the day with an old friend & her 2 precious little ones. Valerie & I met at freshmen orientation at CU (Thanks to Courtney, the blog stalker =) JK!). We hit it off & the girls of Day Dorm shared many memories! Valerie & I soon learned we were only "reunited" at college- see we were born 1 day apart at the very same hospital so we decided that we had to have been in the nursery at the same point at some time, & as much as the 2 of us talk we just decided we became friends back in 1979 at Rex & were only reunited at CU in '97! I spent the day with Valerie, her son Cooper (21 months), & her precious little daughter Paisley (almost 1 month old) all day- what fun! What a great way to start the summer!

Big Brother Cooper kissing on his little sister!
Paisley Ann Jarmon
May 17, 2009
Look at that head full of hair! She is precious!


  1. OK, so I was still blog stalking but I'm on vacation so I took the time to comment! :) These are precious. Wish I could have been there with you all.
    Hope to see you again soon.

  2. Courtney posted!!!!! =) =) =) I knew that would get a reply!!
    We all have to get together again soon. Enjoy vacation!
