Sunday, August 15, 2010

Willy Wonka Weekend

Our nephew Cameron was in Willy Wonka this weekend so we headed to Wilmington to show our support. He was Mr. Salt, you know sweet Veruca Salt's dad- the bad egg/nut who wanted it allllll! They did a great job! In Saturday's performance he also played an Oompa Loompa & looked great with purple hair! The cast of 75 worked hard all summer & did a great job. We enjoyed the show!

Saturday evening we headed out on the boat & found a great spot to swim and play. Olivia loved the water. We found a sand bar & she enjoyed playing & splashing. She found sand & really liked eating her salty fingers! Our little beach bum had a great time & we had a great weekend.
Pics posted here


  1. Saturday's two performances, Cameron also was a street kid and a video kid along with being a Oompa Loompa! All of my children are soooooo talented!

    My little "pea pod" does love the water!
    Granny had a great weekend spending time will all of my family.

  2. your nephew is so cute! look at the basket of treats! Lucky little guy. Adorable photos of O , hope she didnt eat too much sand :D
