Colin has finally started to love books!! (teacher mom is VERY happy!) Until the last month or so he wouldn't sit still for more than 2 pages of any book, & you were lucky to even get 2 pages read! Olivia LOVES books, always has, so it was sad that he paid them no mind. He has finally come around all on his own! He is picky and has his favorites, but he will bring them to you, plop right in your lap, & sit as you read. He loves to help you turn the pages, sometimes before you are ready!
Brown Bear is his favorite, he LOVES it! He runs around saying "Brown Bear" all the time! He also loves Panda Bear, Panda Bear as well as Polar Bear, Polar Bear, but he calls all of these "Brown Bear!" We read these 3 books a million times a day now, but I am so excited he wants to read that I don't mind at all!
It's never too early to learn to read! Go, Colin!