We watched Prince Caspian last night, a birthday present from Seth. Great movie! I will have to admit of all the books I’ve ever read The Chronicles of Narnia are by far my favorite. Yes, Karen Kingsbury, Beth Moore, Nicholas Sparks, John Eldredge, and many others are amongst my favorites, but none compare to C.S. Lewis & Narnia. You have to read the entire series in order, but you’ll love them! I know they are “children’s books,” but we could all use a little childlike faith!
One of my favorite parts of this book, it is better in the book than in the movie too- of course

, is Lucy’s encounter with Aslan. The children are back in Narnia, trying to find their way to Prince Caspian, trying to find Aslan, and trying to save the day of course! Lucy sees Aslan from afar, at least she thinks she does. The others, well they are too big to believe & their doubt causes Lucy to doubt that it was really Him. He appeared several times, trying to lead them down the right path, but since they don’t see Him they won’t follow. They complicate their journey by going their own way, it takes much longer, is much more dangerous, and the stress of it all causes several quarrels amongst the children. In time Lucy finds Aslan, but He confronts her and her doubt. Though she spoke up for Him, she didn’t follow, she let others lead the way & cause her to doubt. She made it to her destination, but how much easier it would have been if she had of only believed & followed Him from the beginning.
Faith like a child, so precious, yet so hard for us grown ups at times! We have our path mapped out, we think we know the way, yet we miss Him, the glimpses of Him, and His provisions from time to time. As He talks with Lucy the feeling is bittersweet- you smile because she found Him, because His presence warms your heart and hope has returned, but there is also that feeling of guilt- oh how we can relate. How we have doubted in our own lives, but rejoice because His love is eternal & His forgiveness is much more than we will ever deserve. He is ALWAYS there, though we fail to see Him at times, & we fail to follow at times. His plans may not be ours, but they are always the best, we just have to believe & follow- faith like a child.
What a great series! Read the books, then watch the movies! Sad to say that Disney canceled plans to make more movies in the Narnia series- guess you’ll just have to read them!
we have watched both movies many times, sad that disney cancelled too! They have a Narnia Adventure at Disney and the kids loved it!