The alarm had gone off, I had pressed snooze twice, & just didn't want to get up! The phone rang & that finally got me out of the bed- you all know how much I love mornings! It was a great surprise- my big brother! Tyler & the boys were on the way to Garner to visit Grandma & wanted to meet for lunch. After church we headed to the Laurels, visited Grandma, & then we all went out to grab some lunch at Zaxby's- Granny got to pick! Cameron got WikiSticks in his kids meal & I made him some glasses- Ty is showing them off for you!

Grandma had 2 Slinkies in her room, someone had won them at bingo- they party hard at the Laurels! The boys had a blast with them- you just never know what kind of fun you can have in a rest home! Of course all the little ladies thought the boys were precious & they all wanted to talk to them- if they only knew! =) Grandma's room was fun of grandkids & great grandkids- what a great way to spend the day! What a great Sunday surprise!
Mom said there is no denying we're related- but who do we look

like??! It could be worse! I do love my big brother! Thanks for a great day of family fun! Becca- we missed you, hope you feel better soon. We missed you too Matthew- someone had to work today while we all had fun!
Looks like you had a great weekend !