Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Jenga is the best game ever!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
35 weeks....35 days to go!!!
That is what today's Baby Center email said....wow! This is getting close! According to all the research she is just packing on the pounds at this point- you know how excited I am about that!
We're almost ready....maybe???! Have the Dreft ready & will wash up her things over Christmas break. Yes, we are working on the handles to the dresser- they will be painted & on by the end of the weekend if it will ever stop raining. Need to finish up the curtain, but really that isn't the highest thing on the list! Uncle Matt has his plans laid out for her doll house/bookshelf. Once he is done we'll get it painted & fill it up- can't wait for that! I have to get the cushions made for the glider....don't tell Seth I haven't called the lady yet- that can be our secret! It rocks with or without the cushions- a pillow will make do until they are done- just as long as it rocks!!!
We finish up our birthing classes this Saturday. They have been great. We decided to take private classes with a lady I know who also teaches classes at Rex. These are a little more in depth, give more natural information (yes, we really do hope to go as natural as possible- not saying 'no' to the meds, but will try to do what we can without them- pray!!), and she puts a Christian persepective in as well. They have been great! & surprise- the other couple in the class are friends of ours from church- they walked in & we all started to laugh- had no clue, small world!

3 more day until Christmas break! Excited about the break, but realizing how much I have to get ready at work & how little time is left there...yikes! I have some sub plans to write over the holidays! My kids threw me a surprise baby shower last week- so cute! The biggest surprise of all was they kept it a secret, I had NO clue! Of course I have the best Room Mom who set it all up- helps when you hand pick your friend to be your Room Mom (love ya Monica!!). They showered Olivia with lots of books & some cute little clothes & toys. They were so excited- that huge cake with all that icing added to the excitment, along with the fact that they just got themselves out of the history lesson for the afternoon!!! What a great job I have!

Well, that is probably more information than any of you wanted, but we hadn't posted in a while. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. By the way, don't keep checking the mailbox for our Christmas card.....you won't find it this year! We know what you really want is a birth announcement in a few weeks!!
We're almost ready....maybe???! Have the Dreft ready & will wash up her things over Christmas break. Yes, we are working on the handles to the dresser- they will be painted & on by the end of the weekend if it will ever stop raining. Need to finish up the curtain, but really that isn't the highest thing on the list! Uncle Matt has his plans laid out for her doll house/bookshelf. Once he is done we'll get it painted & fill it up- can't wait for that! I have to get the cushions made for the glider....don't tell Seth I haven't called the lady yet- that can be our secret! It rocks with or without the cushions- a pillow will make do until they are done- just as long as it rocks!!!
We finish up our birthing classes this Saturday. They have been great. We decided to take private classes with a lady I know who also teaches classes at Rex. These are a little more in depth, give more natural information (yes, we really do hope to go as natural as possible- not saying 'no' to the meds, but will try to do what we can without them- pray!!), and she puts a Christian persepective in as well. They have been great! & surprise- the other couple in the class are friends of ours from church- they walked in & we all started to laugh- had no clue, small world!
3 more day until Christmas break! Excited about the break, but realizing how much I have to get ready at work & how little time is left there...yikes! I have some sub plans to write over the holidays! My kids threw me a surprise baby shower last week- so cute! The biggest surprise of all was they kept it a secret, I had NO clue! Of course I have the best Room Mom who set it all up- helps when you hand pick your friend to be your Room Mom (love ya Monica!!). They showered Olivia with lots of books & some cute little clothes & toys. They were so excited- that huge cake with all that icing added to the excitment, along with the fact that they just got themselves out of the history lesson for the afternoon!!! What a great job I have!
Well, that is probably more information than any of you wanted, but we hadn't posted in a while. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. By the way, don't keep checking the mailbox for our Christmas card.....you won't find it this year! We know what you really want is a birth announcement in a few weeks!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4 cans of pumpkin, over a dozen eggs, 3 packs of cream cheese, lots & lots of sugar, & more butter than Paula Deen would even approve of......put it all together & you'll get: caramel pumpkin layer cake, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin bars, & cranberry pumpkin bread. You'll also get a very messy kitchen & swollen pregnant feet from all that baking! All worth it though! Can you tell what my favorite part of Thanksgiving is? Dessert! & yes, I love pumpkin!
**added by Seth
When I arrived home, Ashley had pumpkin cans, spatulas, and dishes stacked in and around the sink. I made the comment this reminded me of the sweet potato production line when Kevin and I made pies for Valentines day at WMCC a year or so ago.
'It's like sharing a kitchen with Kevin, oh look I haven't used this plate, pot, spoon yet'
- Yes i was in charge of cleaning dishes in both occasions :)
Well, truth be told my favorite Thanksgiving meal has always been breakfast at my Dad's. Sorry- turkey is good & I do enjoy all the side dishes, but that is the best breakfast of the year! The 1 good thing about Seth working on Thanksgiving is I still get to eat Thanksgiving breakfast at Dad's before he gets off of work & we head to VA.
We'll make it just in time for dinner- thanks for waiting on us Reffit fam! We'll spend the weekend in VA & we're looking forward to seeing everyone- the entire family will be together & we can't wait! Lots to be thankful for & lots to celebrate!
Seth & I are thankful for our sweet baby girl. We just can't wait to see her & spoil her rotten! Went to the doctor today: doctor said, "She won't be a 6 pound baby, that I am sure of. I am thinking over 8." Wow, you can guess how excited I was to hear that!! =) It will all be worth it & it won't be too much longer! Big kicks as I type- she is saying hello to her fan club!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Showered with LOTS of love!
Over the past 2 weeks we have been showered with LOTS of love. We are very blessed to have such loving family& friends. Olivia's room has quickly filled up! Her closet is full of pink, pink, and more pink! We've enjoyed visiting with everyone, all the thoughtful gifts, & who can pass up all that cake!! Thank you for your love & support. We can't wait for you all to meet her.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
30 or 32????
We had our 30 week ultrasound/apt this morning. We had promised to post Olivia's newest pictures, but sorry to say they aren't clear enough to post. We got lots of good looks at her on the screen, but the still shots just won't show up good on here. We have 2 pictures of her little face. I think she has her daddy's nose, we'll just have to wait & see for sure! My placenta is in the front rather than the back, so it makes it very difficult to get the 3D/4D shots now that she is taking up all the space!

Well, Olivia is the perfect name for our little girl- our little piggy! At the 12 week ultrasound she was measuring early- a 1/13/10 due date. Today at our 30 week ultrasound she measured consistently 32 weeks for a 1/8/10 due date- our little piggy! We turned 30 weeks today (well, at least that is what the counter at the top of the page says!) & all the books say she should weigh 3 pounds now.....miss Olivia is already 4 pounds & in the 74%!! Everything looked great, just big!! 30-32???? Jan 8-20????......who knows??! She'll come when she is ready, just not so sure it will be the 20th or later anymore! Maybe I will end up with my very on precious little (not so sure she'll be little!) birthday present!
Mommy also got her piggy shot today- as much as I hate needles I didn't even flinch!

Well, Olivia is the perfect name for our little girl- our little piggy! At the 12 week ultrasound she was measuring early- a 1/13/10 due date. Today at our 30 week ultrasound she measured consistently 32 weeks for a 1/8/10 due date- our little piggy! We turned 30 weeks today (well, at least that is what the counter at the top of the page says!) & all the books say she should weigh 3 pounds now.....miss Olivia is already 4 pounds & in the 74%!! Everything looked great, just big!! 30-32???? Jan 8-20????......who knows??! She'll come when she is ready, just not so sure it will be the 20th or later anymore! Maybe I will end up with my very on precious little (not so sure she'll be little!) birthday present!
Mommy also got her piggy shot today- as much as I hate needles I didn't even flinch!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!

We had our 5th annual Pumpkin Party this weekend. Don't laugh, you are never too old to carve pumpkins! We all sorta laughed this year- seems we all opted for an "easy" design- we are getting old! The kids in the neighborhood came by & helped us judge- they really liked our pumpkins. We decided that next year we'll have to carve Halloween Eve- Olivia & baby Daughtry will have to make their rounds for their 1st Halloween. Can't wait!
Olivia update- It looks like mommy is hiding a pumpkin in her tummy! She is growing and moving all around! We have an ultrasound at our next apt. so stay tuned & we'll post pics. She has become quite the kick boxer these days! LOVES to show off her moves late at night and early morning. She has also gotten in the habit of exercising around 4am and mommy tries to convince her to go back to sleep! Just because daddy gets up at 4am doesn't mean we have too! We're still working on her nursery & hope to have it done in the next few weeks.
We had our tour of the birthing center at the hospital last week. 12 couples all walking around, talking, chatting with the new dads & grandmas at the window of the baby nurseries- they were so proud! It was lots of fun.....until a very soon dad-to-be wheeled his wife in. They were just arriving & were on their way to her room- she didn't look happy at all! We ALL got silent quick & just watched him wheel her past.....reality hit! I thought the stork brought the baby??!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
O's room is almost done
We put the second coat of paint on last night. I should say Ashley did...I just assisted with refilling the roller and moving the step ladder. I tend to not be a perfectionist that my wife or brother are.
I left the room and Ashley was tiding up to see what was left to touch up after the painter's tape was removed. I looked up to the top of the stairs...and Ashley had her shirt up almost as if to give Olivia a peak at her room. Gave me such a warm feeling .... I called up and asked her what she was doing and she turned her head back and just grinned.
We're so excited......and just past the 100 day mark to birth **if O is synced up with the Dr. due date. Pics will come maybe after we finish it.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yummy to the baby tummy!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Women's Conference
I went to Roanoke, VA this past weekend for an Extraordinary Women's conference. Lori & I had some much needed girl time, along with 10,000+ other women! A little comedy from Anita Renfroe (check out her Mom Song), music from Natalie Grant, Amy Grant, & Charles Billingsley, and a great line up of speakers: Stormie Omartian, Nacy DeMoss, Karen Kingsbury, & Candace Cameron Bure. Lori got to meet Karen Kingsbury & she got our books signed while I listened to Candace Cameron- gotta love DJ Tanner! Her testimony was awesome! We had a great time- even our venture in the rain- we were soaking wet, but it was worth it! Thanks for a great weekend!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Added new countdown
Check out the countdown timer on the right side.
She'll be here soon... Can't wait to see her :)
She'll be here soon... Can't wait to see her :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Baby Girl Update!
Just wanted to post a little & update on little miss priss! She is growing & moving all around these days. She has been kicking up a storm the past 2 weeks! Seth is able to feel her move now, you can even see her move when she gets really active! She wiggles the most late at night, guess she is going to be a night owl like her momma!
Her daddy reads to her at night. Mommy reads to her all day at school- you kn

She is growing, mommy is growing, & she'll be here before we know it! Just wanted to post a little update! So exciting!
Oh yeah, guess we should fill you in on what you all want to know....her name!
Olivia Paige Reffit
No, we didn't name her after the pig in the book, but now you know why they are her favorite books! Daddy always explains to her that she isn't a pig, that Olivia in the books is the pig! Too funny! No, she isn't named after anyone- we just chose those 2 names on our own & put then together & we can't wait to meet our little Olivia!
Oh yeah, guess we should fill you in on what you all want to know....her name!
Olivia Paige Reffit
No, we didn't name her after the pig in the book, but now you know why they are her favorite books! Daddy always explains to her that she isn't a pig, that Olivia in the books is the pig! Too funny! No, she isn't named after anyone- we just chose those 2 names on our own & put then together & we can't wait to meet our little Olivia!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Folks in town
M&D came down to visit and see the new house. We had a good time.
Love you guys,
Seth and Ashley
- The dogs beds are clean and patched
- I have halfway started to put together shelving to clean-up the garage
- We are all caught up on the life and times of Hickory Sign Post :)
Love you guys,
Seth and Ashley
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Half Way There!
We are officially half way to baby girl's arrival! Hard to believe we've come this far. January will be here before we know it & little girl will make her big appearance! We are very excited & doing lots of planning. Yes, she has a name, but you'll have to wait a bit before we share!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Baby Reffit!!!

Baby Reffit is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had an ultrasound today & all looks good.
She was a wiggle worm & put on quite a show! As she wiggled I told the tech she gets that from her daddy. Right after I said that she opened her mouth & I told the tech she gets that from her momma!!
We have lots of pics & will get a good one scanned & up soon!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
That's my big brother!
I have to brag just a bit- it is my right as a proud little sis! Many of you heard on the news about the house fire in Garner Friday night, 2 small children were left inside when the trucks arrived. Matthew & his co-worker Greg went in, found the children, & brought them out. He doesn't like the spotlight, but a hero deserves a little credit! He puts his life on the line everyday & I guess we take it for granted at times. He's been fighting fire since he was just a young teenager, but in the past 13 years since he has been full time it has been tough listening to some of the stories he tells. Those boys have lots of fun, but when the siren goes off they are all business & what they do saves lives & makes a difference. He has asked us to pray for those 2 small children & their recovery as they are in critical condition.
Here's a short clip from the news story on WTVD- that's my big brother!
Here's a short clip from the news story on WTVD- that's my big brother!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Weekend in Manteo

We headed to Manteo this weekend for the annual Alice Kelly Ladies Fishing Tournament. Seth & the guys fished the boat from Morehead to Manteo on Saturday & had a great day. Check out Seth's sailfish! He also caught a huge wahoo.(wahoo#1 #2) On Sunday we fished in the ladies tournament & had a great day- sorry, we didn't get lots of pics- we were too busy fishing & having fun in the sun! The ladies team caught 2 sailfish & a dolphin. We almost had a blue marlin, but he got off the bait. It was a beautiful weekend & we had a blast with our friends.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Grandma's 96th!
Grandma turned 96 today! Wow- what an accomplishment! The whole family got together to celebrate. We had a great time & she enjoyed the celebration. Now we're working on 97! We'll try to post some pics soon, having technical difficulties with them at the moment.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our first overnighters in our new home.

My sister was able to make a stop on her week long visitation to my brother's, parent's, vernon's aunt and his folks as well. They came in Monday night just before the big thunderstorm which eventually took out our power. We grilled out and relaxed :) . We took a trip to Lake Benson Park and enjoyed a picnic after all the playground was explored. Glad we were able to hang out, think about old times and spend time with Ayden and Ashley. Cute kids and good parents, thanks for giving us a piece of your vacation.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Cast Your Vote!

***update TV is now here :)

Friday, July 17, 2009
We're Home
We decided to take a trip to see Grandma since she wasn't able to come up for the holidays last year due to our wedding and my bro's. We started off at 5am on a 12hr car ride. Ashley was a good co-pilot and helped find mcd's on the handy GPS a time or two.

We ventured to Sanibel Island and ate at Jerry's Resturant a part of the grocery store there. It was a slightly overcast day with some sprinkles so it kept the crowds down that i've been used to and allowed us to drive end to end (Captiva).
We got to meet Grandma's friends and even though 1 didn't remember us it was fun to dine there.
Don't forget to see the Manatee's which made an appearance on the island. We saw two different set and snapped a few pics. I especially like the tag/holding hands moment we captured :)
Florida on picassa
We ventured to Sanibel Island and ate at Jerry's Resturant a part of the grocery store there. It was a slightly overcast day with some sprinkles so it kept the crowds down that i've been used to and allowed us to drive end to end (Captiva).
We got to meet Grandma's friends and even though 1 didn't remember us it was fun to dine there.
Don't forget to see the Manatee's which made an appearance on the island. We saw two different set and snapped a few pics. I especially like the tag/holding hands moment we captured :)
Florida on picassa
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
1st Day of Summer!
Today was my 1st official day of summer!! What a great day! I spent the day with an old friend & her 2 precious little ones. Valerie & I met at freshmen orientation at CU (Thanks to Courtney, the blog stalker =) JK!). We hit it off & the girls of Day Dorm shared many memories! Valerie & I soon learned we were only "reunited" at college- see we were born 1 day apart at the very same hospital so we decided that we had to have been in the nursery at the same point at some time, & as much as the 2 of us talk we just decided we became friends back in 1979 at Rex & were only reunited at CU in '97! I spent the day with Valerie, her son Cooper (21 months), & her precious little daughter Paisley (almost 1 month old) all day- what fun! What a great way to start the summer!
Big Brother Cooper kissing on his little sister!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Reffit Weekend
Mom & Dad came down for the weekend- their last stay at 220 Deep Pool! We had a great time. We stayed up late on Friday night when they got in =), had a full pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, a trip to the Farmer's Market & a good afternoon nap! We ate dinner w/ Mom & Grandma & enjoyed church & Sunday lunch. It was a great visit- as always! Next time they come we'll be in the new house! Sorry- we were so busy having fun we didn't get any pictures!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Summer is Here!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Birds part2

So it was about a week or so after our last visitors gained the gift of flight and together with mom, they no longer stayed in their bird nest. I decided since we were selling our house to remove the old bird nest and clean it up. No sooner had I done that, there was a new starter-nest in full construction. I asked Ashley if the bird had lost his mind and wondered if we should remove this one as well. Well we left it and..our new housemate continued to live there.
Today I get home and look up...and we have more than just a mommy bird. I count 5 atleast, 1 already having hatched. Who knew we had such a popular nesting ground :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sailing into Summer!
We headed to Wilmington Friday night to visit Tyler & the fam & hit the beach on Saturday. It was a beautiful day! We cleaned up, enjoyed some dinner together, then headed home Saturday night. Short trip, but a good one!
Check out the rest of the family fun.
We all know I didn't inherit any of the tanning genes in my family. I am a ghost, I like to call it healthy, but the rest of you just call me pasty or pale!! Sunscreen is my best friend! I only wore 15 & hate to say I didn't get much sun even though we were out there for 6 hours. I like the "healthy" look much better than the "lobster" look & it is less painful! Funny though- we went into town to grab dinner before we headed home. Ty (my sweet little brother/nephew!) was commenting on the lack of sun....he comes up with this..... "Aunt Ashley, you are sour cream & Seth is a taco.... Hey, at least they go good together!" Every seat in the Tahoe was filled & we were all laughing.....Sour cream! He said he was going to start calling me "Daisy"....gotta love middle schoolers!
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's Official!

...here we come Garner!!!!
We close on our new house July 7th & here on July 10th. Busy week- seeking volunteers!!
I (Ashley) have to add in all the details! God is good! The house we bought was one we saw the 1st day we went out. We fell in love with it & compared every house since to it. We finally decided it was time to make an offer. We went to VA for Mother's Day & most of the way home we talked about houses & tried to make a plan. Seth says, " I think we should put an offer in tomorrow." Great I thought! Then, reality hit me- but what about our house? What if it takes a while longer to sell? The questions set in & I started to worry, most of you know I love to over analyze & worry!! Seth's response- "Where's your faith?" We had prayed about this move since the beginning & felt that God was in control of it all & had a peace He would work it all out. He had a point- God would provide & we had to trust Him. We prayed about it, went in on Monday afternoon & wrote up an offer. Monday night the listing agency called to say they were showing our house on Tuesday night. Excited!!! Tuesday night they called to extend the showing time....even more excited! We heard great things from their visit & anxiously awaited... On Wednesday we finalized our contract on our new house & 1st thing Thursday morning my phone rang! It was our agent & she had an offer on our house! We worked it out that day & it was all settled! 1 bought, 1 sold, dates set, get the boxes ready! God is good! It will be hard to say goodbye here, but we're excited at all that is to come!
We close on our new house July 7th & here on July 10th. Busy week- seeking volunteers!!
I (Ashley) have to add in all the details! God is good! The house we bought was one we saw the 1st day we went out. We fell in love with it & compared every house since to it. We finally decided it was time to make an offer. We went to VA for Mother's Day & most of the way home we talked about houses & tried to make a plan. Seth says, " I think we should put an offer in tomorrow." Great I thought! Then, reality hit me- but what about our house? What if it takes a while longer to sell? The questions set in & I started to worry, most of you know I love to over analyze & worry!! Seth's response- "Where's your faith?" We had prayed about this move since the beginning & felt that God was in control of it all & had a peace He would work it all out. He had a point- God would provide & we had to trust Him. We prayed about it, went in on Monday afternoon & wrote up an offer. Monday night the listing agency called to say they were showing our house on Tuesday night. Excited!!! Tuesday night they called to extend the showing time....even more excited! We heard great things from their visit & anxiously awaited... On Wednesday we finalized our contract on our new house & 1st thing Thursday morning my phone rang! It was our agent & she had an offer on our house! We worked it out that day & it was all settled! 1 bought, 1 sold, dates set, get the boxes ready! God is good! It will be hard to say goodbye here, but we're excited at all that is to come!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Empty Nest
I am having empty nest syndrome! No, I haven't completely lost my mind!! Our baby birds flew away today. They have gotten so big over the last week & hardly fit in the nest. This morning they were on the edge of the nest & just looked at me when I left for work- guess that was their "good bye". I got home tonight & looked up to check on my little birdies.......empty nest & I was really sad. Guess there comes a time when we all have to spread our wings & fly. I just wish I could have seen them take that big jump! It has been a neat experience & hopefully we'll see them flying around the yard!
Happy Birthday Carter!

Happy 5th Birthday to our nephew Carter!
When I talked to him tonight I asked him if he could be 4 again- "no", how about 3?- "no, I am already 5!"......how does time fly by so fast?! We celebrated at his party on Saturday- lots of fun! Hope you had a great birthday!
Well, that rounds up the birthday marathon! We have 4 nephews & 1 niece. They are ALL born from late March-early May- Happy Birthday!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our 1st Anniversary!

Get your buckets ready!

It is strawberry time again! We went to Smith's today to pick our 1st strawberries of the season. It took a little more searching to find those perfect ripe berries, but a little patience, several rows, & we had a bucket full! Sarah came over & went with us. We had a good time-picking is fun, but eating them is the best part! Smith's is just across the street from our neighborhood- makes for MANY trips throughout the season!! See, there are some perks to living in "Benson"! Come visit & we'll take you over to pick!
Friday, April 24, 2009
They've Hatched!

A few weeks ago a sweet little bird built a nest on our porch. We had a bird last spring on the far end of the porch, but this one built her nest on the corner right by the front door. We almost moved it, but decided to let her live there! Seth checked it a week or so later & he found 5 eggs! They hatched this week. SO cute! At 1st all you could see was fuzz, but today you can finally see all 5 of them! SO cute! Isn't nature amazing!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!
We love you & hope you have a wonderful day!
You can open your present now! We tempted her- had to send it over a week ago since we were out of town, but told her she had to wait until today to open it!! She's tough under pressure though so no doubt she waited! Hope you enjoy!
Love & miss you!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Welcome Home!

Seth & I spent last week in Mexico over spring break celebrating our anniversary. We spent a few days in Playa Del Carmen & then headed over to Isla Mujures for the rest of our trip. We had a great time! We'll post our pictures to Picasa soon.

Welcome home Grandma! Grandma is finally home for good! She still needs your prayers, but we are SO thankful to have her home! She loves her new floor & the new paint!
Happy Birthday Ashley!
Happy 3rd Birthday to our niece Ashley!
Hard to believe she is already 3! 4 nephews & 1 sweet little niece- finally someone to buy dresses & baby dolls for!
Uncle Seth & Ashley having fun over Christmas- he was getting her ready for bed- yeah right! Getting her all excited instead is much more fun! Love to hear that giggle!
Happy Birthday Ashley! We love & miss you!
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