Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Colin started crawling backwards at 7months & slowly he would scoot where he wanted to go. Yesterday he inched forwards several times, but today he finally went for it! We gave him a little motivation at the end of the night (Colin says thanks Kolton/Nicole for the inspiration!) & he went faster than he'd gone all day!

 He woke up early from his nap this afternoon & was trying to stand up in the crib. He was trying so hard to pull up & he was close to the edge….mattress is now lowered! Boys will be boys & I guess the days of him sitting still are over….forever! 

My wife knows me so well....

My lunch....

* Seth packed his own lunch while Olivia & I were at Awanas last night. I peeked inside the bag & I had to add a note. If I packed this for lunch he'd call it a snack!  & his poor co-workers are probably wishing he had packed more- I know he is hungry after this & hungry Seth = grumpy Seth!!! He'll come home & raid the pantry after work for sure! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

8 & 28 months

8 & 28 months today!
Colin is growing fast. He scoots around backwards, but he is still working on moving forwards. He LOVES to eat table food now, does this surprise any of you?! He's working on cutting a top tooth, but it hasn't made an appearance yet. He is a sweet boy & it is hard to believe he is 3/4 of the way to turning 1.

Olivia continues to make us laugh! She says some of the funniest things now. You better watch what you say around her too, she is our little parrot these days! She ran up to me this morning, hugged my legs, & said, "I love you!"....priceless! Her hair is finally growing, though it still has a long ways to go! She loves "little buddy" & you can find her crawling around the floor saying, "I teach him to crawl, I teach him. Come on little buddy, crawl, crawl, crawl!" Oh the fun we have!

Blessed beyond measure! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

One day we'll get a good pic of both of them at the same time!! Our silly girl with her silly face! Love them both & so blessed to be their mom. 
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Colin's Baby Dedication

We dedicated Colin this morning. He is such a blessing & we will do all we can to raise him up in the Lord. He had fun playing with Seth's tie while the pastor was speaking! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012