Saturday, January 26, 2013


A little sledding on the ice before it all melted today!
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Friday, January 25, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rub a Dub Dub...

2 kids in a tub!!
Kids took a bath in our bathtub for the 1st time & had a blast! Olivia loved "swimming" around after Colin got out. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Art Supplies


Special thanks to everyone who gave art supplies for Olivia's birthday.
In lieu of birthday presents her friends brought art supplies to share with less fortunate children in downtown Raleigh. We were able to make 25 bags of supplies to pass out. Each child got paper, crayons, glue, paint, & a variety of other supplies. They were SO excited when we passed them out Saturday afternoon. We had a table set up to color with the children after they had eaten lunch. We had lots of fun coloring & talking with them. Olivia had lots of fun helping us divide up the supplies & passing them out. Thanks again!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Olivia's Art Party

We had a great time celebrating Olivia's 3rd birthday tonight. 20 preschoolers doing arts & crafts- lots of fun!!! She is blessed to have some of the sweetest friends & I love watching them grow up together. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Doc Is In!

Her Doc McStuffins doctor's kit was a BIG hit! 

Happy 3rd Birthday!


Monday, January 14, 2013


Little buddy decided to take matters into his own hands tonight!!!


She was so excited to get "ponytails!!!"

Friday, January 11, 2013

Colin @ the beach

Colin decided to skip nap, or maybe he knew Toni would take him to the beach if he did :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sweet Treats!

Uncle Tyler is in Raleigh for work pretty often & he loves to come visit! Tonight he brought milkshakes!

One happy little girl!

Little Buddy wasn't letting this cup go! 

He also managed to steal a few of Uncle Tyler's onion rings! 

This one is precious….makes me smile & tear up at the same time!
They were hiding out in her "cozy spot." He loves her just a 'little' bit!!!
Makes my heart smile!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Colin has finally started to love books!! (teacher mom is VERY happy!) Until the last month or so he wouldn't sit still for more than 2 pages of any book, & you were lucky to even get 2 pages read! Olivia LOVES books, always has, so it was sad that he paid them no mind. He has finally come around all on his own! He is picky and has his favorites, but he will bring them to you, plop right in your lap, & sit as you read. He loves to help you turn the pages, sometimes before you are ready!

Brown Bear is his favorite, he LOVES it! He runs around saying "Brown Bear" all the time! He also loves Panda Bear, Panda Bear as well as Polar Bear, Polar Bear, but he calls all of these "Brown Bear!" We read these 3 books a million times a day now, but I am so excited he wants to read that I don't mind at all!